
23 years ago, I received my gift
My Journey, with Jenny McFarlane, Host
Meeting my donor's family, with Jerry Ray, Jr.
Meeting my donor's family, with Auburn Stevens
My surgery went exactly how it was supposed to go with Margaret Carfora
Transplant & Stroke & CF oh my! with Dan Murphy
I had two living lung donors with Maria Urrechaga- P. 1
I survived Covid-19 with Maria Urrechaga - P. 2
The psychiatric hospital wouldn't give me my anti-rejection meds with Nikki McDonald
My first transplant gave me cancerwith Steve Jenkins
I have been in Chronic Rejection for 18 years with Sandy Driste MacDonald - P 1
I got pregnant 3 weeks after my transplant with Sandy Driste MacDonald - P 2
I tried to tell them I didn't need a transplant with Rod Spadinger
My brother needs a fourth transplantwith Jillian Lynch
Pamela's Bloodless Transplant with Pamela Strong
I was put on the list again a few days after my transplant with David Jenkins and wife, Gina
It took a while to figure out what was wrong with me with Scott
I died during my transplant with Joe Lusk
I knew my lung transplant donor with Holly Kroeze
My surgery took 16 hours with Pablo Pappano
They wanted to pull the plug! with Esteban Jaramillo
Mary Hardy - Meeting my donor's Family
They couldn't close my chest for 3 days after my transplant with Linda Foster
I was only in the hospital for 9 days with Richard Robbins
4 years on the list and still waitingwith Jessica Del Toro
I regret getting the fundoplication surgery with Sarah Donoughue
I was supposed to get two lungs but only got one with Gray Toney
This is what it takes to get listed with Shari Blanchard
My baby needs a transplant miracle with Lauren Brummett
It's all about being positive with Stephanie Gonzalez
CF, transplant, and cancer are not going to stop me with Danica Murray​
Covid tried to kill me with Andrew Capen
I had to be a mom, advocate, & caregiver for my son with Brenda Capen
Surviving a lung transplant with my high school sweetheart with Randy & Becky CokerPart 1
I got to meet my Angel's family with Randy and Becky Coker Part 2
Two lungs, one heart, and a love story with Bobby and Faith
I had to tell my doctors that I needed a transplant with Tammy Stephens
Today is My 27th Transplant Anniversary! with Kim Jacques
Sun-Kissed With a Twist: Surviving Skin Cancer with Randy Coker
Two Surgeries, Three Organs, and a Lifetime to Go with Jerry Ray Jr.
If You're Going Through Hell, Just Keep Going
with Start Miller
From No to Yes with No Regrets

Heartbroken to Heartfelt with Denise Redeker
I was born with half a heart with Paul Cardall
Start a nonprofit, they said. It will be fun they said. With Denise Redeker
Two lungs, one heart, and a love story with Bobby and Faith
My transplant story belongs in a Hallmark Christmas Movie with Shana Pereira
I was planning my funeral when I got the call with Mandy Nathan
I am the second longest heart recipient at my transplant hospital with John Downs
Two Hearts, One Family with David Barber
I Continued to Live My Life While on the Waiting List with Lorrie Hill
Embracing the Transplant List Again After 19 Years with Amanda DeJesus
Today is My 27th Transplant Anniversary! with Kim Jacques
My Newborn Needed A New Heart
with Mari Lopp
A New Year Means a New Heart with Jennifer Schilling
Being Thankful on Thanksgiving Has a Whole New meaning with Pamela

Two Liver Transplants Later and Here I Am with John Hoffman
Resiliently Conquering Two Liver Transplants with Dr. Patricia J. Scott
Because of IV drug use, I almost died waiting for my transplant with Eileen Wagner
My sister saved my life with Susie Sweeny
I have already saved two llives with Josh Harrold
I Went from Taking Care of Patients to Being a Patient with Amy Hopfensperger
My Transplant Cured My Addiction with Meghan Lewis & Sister Sarah
Escaping the List with Natasha England, pt. 1
Escaping the List with Natasha England, pt. 2
Clayton Sparks Leaves is Mark with Abby Gray
First Comes Love, Then Comes Transplant with Brandi Moberley

My brother is my hero with Celina Medina
I donated my kidney to a complete stranger with Tabitha Selvester
UPDATE: I donated my kidney to a complete stranger with Tabitha Selvester
Nursing, Covid, and Donating a Kidney - A Superhero's Story with Taylor Pikkarainen
There is a way to spot rejection early
with Mala Nichani and Tara Pollock
From Kidney Transplant to Open Heart Surgery with Janie Butts
My pancreas transplant changed my life
Meet me at the Transplant Games ​with Amy Frackowiak
My transplant story belongs in a Hallmark Christmas Movie with Shana Pereira
Two Organs, One Transformation
I Had to Pay Out of Pocket for my Pancreas Transplant with Brandon Mouw
Meeting my donor's family, with Jerry Ray, Jr.
My pancreas transplant changed my life
I tried to tell them I didn't need a transplant with Rod Spadinger
Two Organs, One Transformation
Two Surgeries, Three Organs, and a Lifetime to Go with Jerry Ray Jr.
Love Tested by Transplant with Tasha Meyer
Donating a Kidney to our Daughter inspired the Children's Transplant Initiative with
Ross & Cheryl Witty​
Two Surgeries, Three Organs, and a Lifetime to Go with Jerry Ray Jr.
Love Tested by Transplant with Tasha Meyer
